Monday, July 4, 2011


Time 1:58AM
The annoucement that TMC exam has been postponed wakes me up....TTG starts this morning by 7:00am....
*sigh* this is the beginning of the end
TTG(total man concept) is a programme run by the school in a bid to share the secrets to success of the outside world bto us the outgoing students!

Yes! I know i promised to log in everyday but awon boys broke and there's no money a brother, send a mail with 'YES' as the subject to so i can send my account details to you. Times are hard mehn!!!!
Yesterday was boring.....Church in the morning.....nothing in the reading a book recommmended by the Bishop himself...Oh yes! He asked me to read the book: Ruling Your World, book is CONFAM the time am done I can talk to anybody and inspiire the person(s) of the things learnt so far is that when u are ponting accusing fingers at someone....notice that the remaining three are pointing at you and one point to God as your witness...meaning that atleast 65% of your pro\blem is caused by you ya self! #gbam
I tried to wash but it was all in my head, my closet is still filled with dirty things......
The internet is taking the piss so i can't upload pictures mehn.....

Oh yeah! Big Shouts to Doublewealth5 Happy birthday bro!! Shouts to the new friend Dero, God go make you bigger o!!!

I hope for a better day today.....
Yo!am serious about the money issue....and Yes! We were nominated for the NigerianBlogAwards for BEST STUDENT BLOG....Click the link to vote if you wanna --> VOTE!!
As you read this i should be on my way to the lecture theater II or on my way to write an exam...wish me luck.....

p.S i know the aim of the blog haas shifted a bit but do stay with us, we are gonna amend soon
Am out!!! PEACE!!!! Pour the shit!!!!

Keep Praying for me andd the boys!!!

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